Gold is a 2018 Bollywood Sports drama movie based on a true story, directed by Reema Kagti. The movie is produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar. In the lead roles are Akshay Kumar, Mouni Roy, Kunal Kapoor, Vineet Kumar Singh, Amit Sadh, and Sunny Kaushal. The supporting cast includes Ivan Rodrigues, Nikita Duta, and Jatin Sarna. Reema Kagti has provided the Screenplay, while Sachin–Jigar has provided the Music. Also, this movie is one of the most successful movies of Akshay Kumar. Gold is based on a true story and how a man fight to make his first Indian Hockey Team. Below in this article, you can find the details about Gold Full Movie Download and where to Watch Gold Full Movie Online Free HD.
Gold Movie Story
The story begins around the time of the Berlin Olympics in 1936 when the Indian team played the Hockey finals against Germany. Despite the Germans attempting to play rough against the Indian team, the Indians start winning in the second half, when the team’s assistant manager, Tapan Das shows them the Indian Flag during the half time break.
When the captain Samrat and the team receive the Gold medal, the British National Anthem is played and the flag of British India is hoisted, but the Indian team promises themselves that they will win a Gold medal once again on behalf of their motherland after India gets Independence.
Team Recruitment
The subsequent Olympics are canceled because of World War II. After the war, a drunk and spoiled Tapan roams and loses in several bets but sobers up when he gets the news that the next Olympics will be held in London in 1948. He holds aspirations of making India play hockey as a free country. To start a new team. He asks Samrat but he refuses and suggests Imtiyaz as the team captain. Tapan travels to different parts of India to scout for the best players for the team.
Himmat & His Attitude
Finally, in the semi-finals, Tapan has listed Himmat to play, but since other players had complained against his behavior the previous night, Himmat is not allowed to play. Tapan explains the reason that in the league matches, the opponent players mark the good players, and in the semi-finals or finals, they are marked making it difficult for them to play well. Although India wins the semi-finals, it turns a hard match.
The Final Match
In the finals, during the first half against Great Britain, the British players mark the Indians and prevent Raghubir from scoring freely as he used to do earlier in the tournament. In the next half, Himmat comes on to the pitch and scores a goal.
But rains arrive during the match and makes it tough for the Indian team as the ground becomes wet and slippery. However, Tapan recalls his wife once telling him to take off his shoes and push a cart when it got stuck in the mud so that his feet don’t slip. Hence, Tapan instructs his team to play barefoot. The Indians are finally able to win.
Movie Details:
Gold Release Date | 15 August 2018 |
IMDB Rating | 7.4/10 |
Language(s) | Hindi |
Movie Length | 2 H 31 Min |
Budget | ₹ 75 Cr |
Box Office Collection | ₹ 158.00 Cr |
Gold Movie Trailer
Gold Full Movie Download in HD
We believe that everyone is searching for the Gold movie download, as it is one of the best movies so far. We know that everyone wants to watch this movie, but we recommend you to follow the legal way. AA Films is the production house of this movie and they haven’t authorized anyone to distribute Gold Full movie download.
This means, that the platform having the Gold movie for download are illegal and are using Torrent P2P technology to make Gold movie download available. There are several illegal platforms that have leaked Gold movie just after the release of the movie.
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The Gold movie was first leaked by Filmywap and has spread like a virus. Filmywap, which is an illegal website for movie download, leaked Gold movie just after the release. In fact, Gold Full Movie Download in Filmywap was available in HD (720P) due to which users are attracted. As a result, the filmmakers and people who are associated with Gold movies have to suffer from huge losses.
Gold Full Movie Download Filmyzilla
Filmyzilla is another illegal website that leaked 2018 Gold Movie Download for free in multiple screens resolution as 320P, 480P, HD (720P), and 1080P. As a result, Gold Full Movie Download in Filmyzilla was available and downloaded by thousands of times which affected indirectly the revenue of the Movie
Gold Full Movie Download Pagalworld
Pagal world is an illegal website leaked Gold Movie Download for free in HD, FHD. Due to which the filmmakers and people who are associated with the movie have to suffer from a huge loss, We always recommend our users not to support piracy and stay away from these illegal websites. We strongly recommend not to search for Gold Full Movie Download in Pagalworld, by doing that you are supporting.
Gold Full Movie Download Dailymotion
Dailymotion is a video-sharing website, which allows users to browse and upload videos by searching. In fact, Gold Full Movie Download in Dailymotion was available and downloaded by 100K times in just 24 hrs. Every year the film industry is suffering from huge losses due to the illegal website and why to pour water on someone’s effort.
Where To Watch Gold Full Movie Online?
If you want to watch God movie online, then there are several legal ways to do that. Being an old movie, it is already available to watch online legally. Akshay Kumar’s Glod Full Movie is available on Amazon Prime Video. Also, you can watch this movie on YouTube Movies and Google Play Movies.
Akshay kumar a very amazing and unique acting in this movie