Thadam is a Tamil romantic crime thriller movie which is directed by Magizh Thirumeni. The Movie is produced by Inder Kumar. In the lead roles are Arun Vijay, Smruthi Venkat, Tanya Hope, and Vidya Pradeep. The supporting cast includes FEFSI Vijayan, Gopalakrishnan, Yesakkiappan, Sonia Agrawal, and Yogi Babu. Magizh Thirumeni has provided the Screenplay, while Arun Raj has provided the Music. Whereas the story of the movie essentially is a murder mystery which is based on true incidents. However, the movie revolves around 2 couple and how Ezhil (Arun Vijay) gets involved in a murder case that changes his life forever. Below this article, you will find Thadam full movie download and also where to watch Thadam Movie Full Movie Online Free HD.
Thadam Movie Story
Arjun who is playing the lead character in this Tamil movie, have to go through different circumstances. Now, he is got deep in the crime that it becomes really hard for him to get over it. Thadam story is about a common man who is blamed for a false crime and his journey shows he overcomes the problematic situation.
Thadam is doing well in theatres and the movie has grossed 2 Cr in the Box Office. These are the signs of a hit movie. We recommend to watch Thadam Full movie on theatre or wait for it to come on legal streaming sites. To know more where to find Thadam Full movie, keep reading.
Movie Details
Release Date | 1 Mar 2019 |
Movie Length | 150 minutes |
Language(s) | Tamil |
IMDB Rating | 8.6 |
Budget | ₹ 14 Cr |
Thadam Box Office Collection | ₹ 22.2 Cr (Still Running) |
Thadam Full Movie Download HD
Thadam will broadcast on TV channels after its theatrical run approximately within 4-5 months of its release. However, everyone should watch Thadam in theatres for a better experience of the film. In fact, some of the legal streaming websites may provide you with Thadam full movie download.
Make sure you watch or download movies from legal streaming websites. Because if you caught downloading or Watching Thadam full movie then it may hamper you. On the other hand, the legal officials may penalize you for taking illegal action. So, check legal streaming websites for watching or downloading movies.
Where To Watch Thadam Full Movie Online?
Movie Rater is strictly against piracy and we don’t want you to engage in these illegal activities. In fact, we recommend you and many people not to support piracy. However, watching Thadam from illegal from sites is against the Indian Copyright law. Take a note of it because it is strict action taken by the government.
As of now, Thadam movie is unavailable on any of the legal streaming websites. In fact, it will be available soon in a couple of months. So, please check the below-mentioned legal streaming websites.
Note: only after Redhan The Cinema People the production house for Thadam gives permission to the above mentioned legal streaming websites, they can’t stream their movies.
Excellent thriller in Thadam full movie .good plot.
I’m a big fan of Maghizh Thirument ….love his stylish film making style.
Suspense and thriller movie based on True story.
No word for the music it’s just fantastic.and
Twist at the end is awesome.
Magical performance by Arjun sir.
Well Arjun sir deserve a great applause for choosing the story and his acting was awesome.
Interesting crime thriller Tamil movie with a new twist in the plot .
The best mixture of suspense and thriller.
I’m impressed with this movie Arumvijay as a impressed with is acting .all the characters all well played there roles .
Excellent movie with good gripping story line and all the characters , comedy or songs ,neat and crisp screenplay .must watch!
Suspense package film .movie was amazing . Overall thadam full movie rating is 4.9/5
Best thriller movie