Airaa is a 2019 horror thriller film directed by Sarjun KM, also released in Tamil and Telugu language. directed by KM Sarjun. The movie is produced by Kotapadi J Rajesh. The Movie features Nayanthara, Kalaiyarasan, Yogi Babu in the lead roles. The supporting cast includes Jayaprakash, Meera Krishnan, Ashwanth Ashokkumar, and Kulappulli Leela. Priyanka Ravindran has provided the Screenplay, while Sudarshan Srinivasan has provided the Music. Below this article, you will find details about Airaa Full Movie Download and where to Watch Airaa Online.
Airaa Movie Story
The film showcases Yamuna (Nayanthara) who is enjoying her vacation in her grandma’s village bungalow. Whereas the Yamuna comes up with the mindset of shooting live ghost experience.
Later, she starts shooting the video and she starts experiencing real paranormal presence in the bungalow. But the tests define her logical thinking. Moreover, Nayanthara is playing a double role in this film.
Movie Details:
Release Date | 28 Mar 2019 |
Movie Length | 2h:22m |
Language(s) | Tamil, Telugu |
IMDB Rating | 6.6/10 |
Airaa Budget | N/A |
Box Office Collection | ₹ 5.21 Cr |
Airaa Full Movie Download HD
Within a few months of the Theater release, Airaa Full Movie will be broadcasted on TV Channels. In fact, Airaa movie will be available to watch on Legal Streaming websites mentioned below.
If you are eager to watch Airaa movie before that, we recommend checking your nearest theaters. Whereas, watching the movie from illegal websites is against the law and is a punishable act with a fine of 10lakh Rs.
Movie-Rater is always against piracy and we are here to encourage to stop piracy. In fact, we are here to educate millions of people to help us fight against piracy.
Watch Airaa Tamil and Telugu Full Movie Online
As said earlier, Airaa movie is released in Tamil and Telugu language. We have verified that this movie is available only on Amazon Prime Video and you can watch Airaa Full Movie Online from this location on Amazon Prime Video.
Also, Airaa Full Movie Online is expected to be available soon on below mentioned legal streaming websites.
Do not download Airaa from Illegal Streaming Websites
The below-mentioned websites are illegal and use Torrent technology to allow Airaa Full Movie Download. Whereas, they need proper authority from Production House
Sajith Krishna, Jayaraj T Krishnan, and Binish Babu are the Producers of Airaa. Whereas, the producers or the production houses of Airaa have not authorized any of the below-mentioned websites for Airaa Movie distributing. Also, the copyright law states that downloading or sharing Airaa movie from any of illegal websites is a crime.
Therefore, we strongly request you not to download or watch Tamil Movie Airaa from these illegal websites. Also, your activity will help thousands of families working in the Tamil Film Industry in and around TamilNadu.
The government has also banned the following websites which are trying to provide Airaa Full Movie Download Illegally. Hence, we recommend you to watch or download movies from legal websites. Also, helps us and the movie industry to fight against piracy.
This is great horror movie i like the film and its horrors scence is also good.
Airaa is a one time watch movie . The horror scenes are very nice. Nayanathara acting was superb
Nayanathara done amazing job.concept was good overall superb movie
Nice horror drama film. Nayanathara performed well.
What a story yaar hat’s off ☺
I like this Horror movie and hope more from the Director Sarjun KM
Loved the concept and the film is really satisfying horror movie
Awesome horror movie of 2019 Nice story.☺
Fab movie.
From where i can download this full movie?
Fantastic horror movie and the actors had also done the good job.