The first time ever on big screens Ram Charan and Jr NTR will be seen in the upcoming Action Drama Telugu film RRR Movie. Directed by SS Rajamouli under the production banner of DVV Entertainments. Apart from Telugu stars Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt making their debut in Telugu Film Industry. RRR is a most anticipated movie for the year 2021 getting released in Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, and Malayalam languages. In fact, the release date of the RRR movie is delayed thrice in 2020, and shooting for the film is stopped due to COVID-19. In the below-mentioned article, you can find the details about RRR Full Movie Details.
RRR Full Movie Wiki – Shooting Update, Motion Poster, Release News
RRR Movie Motion Poster
The makers of the RRR Movie has shared the 2 motion poster of film starrer Ram Charan and Jr NTR. the most awaited Motion Poster of RRR movie is published on Youtube by the production house DVV Entertainments in which you will see Jr NTR. The motion poster has been viewed more than 8.5 million and released on Mar 25, 2020.
The first Motion Poster of RRR movie which published by DVV Entertainment on Youtube. In the trailer mentioned the character name of Ram Charan as Bheem released on 27 March 2020. In fact, Ram Charan’s motion poster viewed more than 16 million which is double than Jr NTR’s motion poster of RRR Movie.
RRR Movie Release News
The fans of SS Rajamouli films and Ram Charan & Jr NTR is waiting for the film release of RRR Movie. In fact, the release date of the RRR movie postponed 3 times this year. Now finally we got the new release date as 8 January 2021 which is next year. We need to wait next year to watch the movies in the theater.
RRR Movie Shooting Update
The filmmaker SS Rajamouli officially announced the RRR Movie after the Baahubali 2: The Conclusion in the year 2017. After that in 2018, they have started the photoshoot of the film on 19th November. The shooting location for the RRR movie is finalized by the SS Rajamouli in Bulgaria, Hyderabad, and Gujarat. Currently, the shooting for the film is stopped due to Pandemic COVID-19 (Coronavirus). We can expect the shooting for the film will resume once the government removes the restrictions.
You’ve got to beware of Ramaraju! After all, he never misses his target 🎯🔥 #BheemForRamaraju –
#RRRMovie @ssrajamouli @tarak9999 @AlwaysRamCharan @ajaydevgn @aliaa08 @oliviamorris891 @DVVMovies
— RRR Movie (@RRRMovie) March 29, 2020