Tara Mira is a 2019 Upcoming Punjabi language Comedy Drama Movie. The film is produced by Guru Randhawa and Directed by Rajiv Dhingra. Ranjit Bawa and Nazia Hussain are played a leading role in the film. Tara Mira is under the banner ‘Neeru Bajwa Entertainment and will be released worldwide on 11th October 2019. In the below-mentioned article, you will get the details about Tara Mira Full Movie Wiki.
Tara Mira Trailer:
By seeing the trailer we can say that the movie is politically oriented. The movie can be one of the best comedy Punjabi movie that you can watch in 2019. Also, the trailer starts with a rally of groups in bikes. The trailer also takes us through the college life of the hero. The two of then get in love with each other. The hero does many things to get permission for the marriage. We can see that the movie will get many unexpected twists and turns. If you want to get a full and better experience then, we recommend you to watch the movie in the theatre.
Tara Mira Full Movie Cast & Crew
- Director: Rajiv Dhingra
- Producer: Guru Randhawa
- Lead Roles: Ranjit Bawa and Nazia Hussain
- Production Company: Neeru Bajwa Entertainment
- Release Date: 11th October 2019