Gupt is a Bollywood 1997 suspense thriller film directed by Rajiv Rai. The film shows Sahil Sinha (Bobby Deol) is in love with Isha (Kajol) and wants to marry her. However, his cruel father, Jaisingh (Raj Babbar), asks that he marry the girl he has selected for him. Below this article, you will find details about Gupt Full Movie Download.
Later, a bad argument erupts between them, Jaisingh turns up dead. Sahil, who appeared as the prime suspect was arrested and put him behind bars for a murder and ends up receiving a life sentence in jail. Afterward, to prove his innocence Sahil manages to escape from jail and goes looking for the real killer.
Movie Details:
Release Date | 15 Aug 1997 |
Movie Length | 2h:53m |
Language(s) | Hindi |
IMDB Rating | 7.3 |
Gupt Budget | 10 Cr |
Box Office Collection | 25 Cr |
Gupt Full Movie Download HD
TV Channels have already broadcasted Gupt several times. Also, this movie is available to watch on below Legal Streaming websites.
In fact, downloading Movies or watching movies from any illegal websites is against the law. So, we strongly suggest you not to engage in downloading Gupt Full Movie from any illegal websites.
Where To Watch Gupt Full Movie Online?
We are strongly against piracy and also do not encourage you to download or watch Gupt movie from any illegal websites. Also, watching or downloading Gupt from any illegal websites is against the Indian Copyright law.
Watch Gupt In Zee5
As of now, Gupt Full movie is only available on Zee5. Whereas, Gupt full movies is available for free legally. Also, if you want to watch the latest movies on Zee5, get access to Zee5 Premium plan.
Also, we have verified that Gupt Movie is not available on below mentioned legal streaming websites.
Do not download Gupt from Illegal Websites
Gulshan Rai and Rajiv Rai are the Producers of Gupt. In fact, none of them have authorized any of the below-mentioned websites for distributing Gupt Full Movie Download. Also, as per the copyright law, downloading or sharing Gupt from any of the below-mentioned websites is illegal.
We strongly request you not to download or watch Hindi Movie Gupt from these illegal websites. As a result, your activity will help thousands of families working in the Bollywood Film industry in and around NorthIndia. Also, the government has banned the following websites which are trying to provide Gupt Full Movie Download Illegally.
Movie Reviwe
Most importantly, Kajol and Manisha made this film extraordinary. With Manisha having a saintly character, and with Kajol being essentially bipolar, the film was extremely fascinating. The melodies of the film were incredible, and I felt that the principal half of the film was alright, yet the last part made the film exceptionally interesting and everything came into place before the finish of the film. Kajol won the best reprobate back in ’98 understandably, and this film demonstrates it! Heads up to see a decent rush and great acting!
Intriguing, engaging, is one of the most mind-blowing secret/tension motion pictures of Bollywood and each entertainer has worked really hard in the film. The main terrible things were the three-hour run-time, a couple of seriously composed exchanges, and a couple of senseless minutes.
The film was so good and hit because Kajol and Bobby insane acting.Gupt fully entertainment and action movie .