Sir is an action-oriented movie directed by Venky Atluri. The movie stars Samyuktha Menon, Dhanush, Sai Kumar, Tanikella Bharani, and many others in the lead positions. The music was composed by G. V. Prakash Kumar while the cinematography has done by Dinesh Krishnan and it is edited by Navin Nooli. The film is produced by Naga Vamsi S and Sai Soujanya under Sithara Entertainments – Fortune Four Cinemas banner. Sir movie has simultaneously been made in Tamil as Vaathi and this movie makes Dhanush’s straight debut in Telugu film.
First Look Poster Info:
The makers have released the Telugu movie Sir First Look poster starring Dhanush. This poster shares the side angle of the star looking at the crowd in the backdrop. It seems through the poster that the film has started regular shooting. However, if you look closely, you will notice that Dhanush’s tailored trousers and muscular short sleeves tell a different story. Fans on social networking sites stood amazed. Dhanush’s stunning appearance as a teenager and they compared his new look to his previous ‘Asuran’, which earned him a national award.
Trailer Info:
Following the success and popularity of Atrangi Ray, Dhanush has now started filming his next bilingual feature titled ‘Sir’ in Telugu and ‘Vathi’ in Tamil. After watching the first look poster all are eagerly waiting to watch the movie trailer. But the trailer has not been revealed by the filmmakers. As per the recent updates, the trailer released very soon. Once the trailer is out we are updating it here. So follow our website regularly for more updates.
Release Date Details:
After looking at the first look poster all are eagerly waiting for the movie to be released. No need to wait, recently the filmmakers announces the release date details. The film is all ready to release on the movie on 17 February 2023 in theatres.
Dhanush Tweets On Twitter About Sir Movie:
With lot of passion , heart and faith … #vaathi #sir shooting in progress ❤️❤️🙏🙏
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) January 7, 2022