Amigos is directed by Rajendra Reddy. The film stars Nandamuri Ashika Ranganath as the female lead and Bramaji, Jayaprash, and Kalyani Natarajan in supporting roles. The music for the film was composed by Gibran, while the cinematography and editing were done by Soundar Rajan S and Dhammiraju respectively. The film is co-produced by Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar under the Maitri Movie Makers banner. Get details on Amigos movie news and updates here.
Amigos Movie Trailer
The trailer of Amigos was released at the launch event in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh and it was quite interesting. The three characters played by Kalyan Ram in the film are very different from the previous films. The story of Amigos revolves around three identical strangers who become friends and become close. But, one of these three endangers the lives of the other two. Cops call him the Indian Pablo Escobar. Pablo Escobar is a Colombian drug lord and drug terrorist. The difficulties faced by him along with the other two Kalyan Rams form the focus of the story. Recently the film Amigos celebrated its pre-release event. His brother Jr. NTR was the chief guest for the event.
Story of Amigo
Kalyan Ram’s villain character in the film has been introduced as Indian Pablo Escobar in the trailer. Pablo Escobar is a drug lord and drug terrorist in Colombia. The difficulties faced by the other two characters will be the main turning point of the story. The trailer of the film also shows how the gangster uses two other characters to eliminate the cops. Fans are eagerly waiting to see Kalyan Ram’s performance as hero and villain.
Kalyan Ram, who scored a blockbuster hit with ‘Bimbisara’ and proved his strength at the box office, is looking forward to do his magic again with ‘Amigos’. Kannada beauty Ashika Ranganath is debuting as a heroine in Tollywood with this film. The film has Brahmaji, Sapthagiri, Jayaprakash, and others in lead roles. The technical team had Gibran for the music, Soundararajan for the cinematography, and Dhammiraju for the cinematography.