Mausam is a 2011 Bollywood romantic drama film directed by Pankaj Kapoor. The film showcases two lovers Harinder Singh (Shahid Kapoor) and Aayat (Sonam Kapoor). Harindar Singh is a carefree guy, whereas Aayat is a Kashmiri girl. In 1992 terrorist attack Aayat and her aunt Fatima (Supriya Pathak) both escapes from Jammu&kashmir and decides to reside in Mallukot. Below this article, you will find details about Mausam Full Movie Download.
In Mullakot, Harinder meets Aayat and falls in love with her at first sight. Aayat hesitated to confront him but finally reciprocates his love. Now, both are preparing for Harinder’s sister Pammo’s wedding. However, the following day after hearing the news of Babri Masjid’s Demolition, Aayat and her family leaves to Mumbai. Meanwhile, Harinder receives an offer from the Indian Air Force, thus he also leaves Mullakot.
Afterward, Harinder visits London for an assignment, whereas he meets Aayat. Aayat has been staying in London for the past seven years after she lost her relative in 1993 Mumbai Bomb blasts. Later, Aayat’s tells her family about his love then they ask Harinder to come to their house to fix the marriage date. On the following day, Harinder receives a call that war has occurred between India and Pakistan then Harinder rushes to India. Subsequently, Aayat’s uncle passes away and she again relocates in Mullakot. Eventually, they meet again in Mullakot and happily married.
Movie Details:
Release Date | 23 Sep 2011 |
Movie Length | 2h:41m |
Language(s) | Hindi |
IMDB Rating | 4.8 |
Mausam Budget | 38 Cr |
Box Office Collection | 54 Cr |
Mausam Full Movie Download HD
TV Channels have already broadcasted Mausam several times. Also, this movie is available to watch on below Legal Streaming websites.
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Where To Watch Mausam Full Movie Online?
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Watch Mausam In Zee5
As of now, Mausam Full movie is only available on Zee5. Whereas, Mausam full movies is available for free legally. Also, if you want to watch the latest movies on Zee5, get access to Zee5 Premium plan.
Also, we have verified that Mausam Movie is not available on below mentioned legal streaming websites.
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Madhu Mantena is the Producer of Mausam. In fact, none of them have authorized any of the below-mentioned websites for distributing Mausam Full Movie Download. Also, as per the copyright law, downloading or sharing Mausam from any of the below-mentioned websites is illegal.
We strongly request you not to download or watch Hindi Movie Mausam from these illegal websites. As a result, your activity will help thousands of families working in the Bollywood Film industry in and around NorthIndia.
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Acting of Shahid , Sonam and of all other is very nice and natural . beautiful Mausam full movie . Perfect blend of emotions