Nartanasala is a 2018 Telugu romantic comedy film directed by Srinivas Chakravarthi. The movie is produced by C. Lakshmi Rajyam and C. Sridhar Rao. In the lead roles are N. T. Rama Rao, Savitri, and S. V. Ranga Rao. The supporting cast includes Relangi Venkata Ramaiah, Mukkamala, Mikkilineni Radhakrishna Murthy and Dandamudi Rajagopal. Srinivas Charavarthi has provided the Screenplay, while Susarla Dakshinamurthi has provided the Music. The film showcases lead actor Naga Shourya a young man who runs a self-defense class for women. And, he always wants women to be independent in their life. Later, he meets Manasa (Yamini Bhaskar) who is stuck between her problems. Then, he starts to help Manasa and falls in love with her. Below this article, you will find details about Nartanasala Full Movie Download and where to watch Nartanasala Online.
Afterward, when things seem to be going fine, his dad fixes his match with Satya. And, to avoid this difficult situation, lead actor Naga Shourya discloses to Satya’s family that he is gay. In the same way, he starts to behave like gay and spending time or playing with them.
However, the rest of the story is as to how lead actor Naga Shourya manages his gay act. Eventually, will he marry with Manasa? Is what forms the crux of the Nartanasala story.
Movie Details:
Release Date | 30 Aug 2018 |
Movie Length | 2h:19m |
Language(s) | Telugu |
IMDB Rating | 4.3 |
Budget | 10 Cr |
Nartanasala Box Office Collection | 1.47Cr |
Nartanasala Full Movie Download HD
TV Channels have already broadcasted Nartanasala several times. Also, this movie is available to watch on below listed Legal Streaming websites.
In fact, downloading Movies from any illegal websites is against the law. So, we strongly suggest you not to engage in downloading Nartanasala Full Movie from any illegal websites.
Where To Watch Nartanasala Full Movie Online?
We are strongly against piracy and do not encourage you to download or watch Nartanasala movie from any illegal websites. Also, watching or downloading Nartanasala from any illegal websites is against the Indian Copyright law.
You can watch Nartanasala Full Movie on Amazon Prime Video by clicking on this link: Amazon Prime Video
We have verified that Nartanasala Full Movie is not available on the below mentioned legal streaming websites.
Do not download Nartanasala from Illegal Websites
Ira Creations is the Production house of Nartanasala. In fact, Ira Creations or any of the producers of this movie has not authorized any of the below-mentioned websites for distributing Nartanasala Full Movie Download. So, as per the copyright law, downloading or sharing Nartanasala from any of the below-mentioned websites is illegal.
We strongly request not to download or watch Nartanasala from these illegal websites. Furthermore, your activity will help thousands of families working in the Tollywood Film Industry in and around the AP & TS.
Also, the government has banned the following websites which are trying to provide Nartanasala Full Movie Illegally.