Vaashi is a Malayalam action-oriented film. The film has to be directed by Vishnu Raghav and the story by Janice Chacko. While Keerthy Suresh and Tovino Thomas are in the lead roles. The title of the film was also announcing by Mohanlal through his Facebook page. The film has to produced by G Sureshkumar. While cinematography and editing were done by Roby Varghese Raj and Mahesh Narayan. The film music has composed by Kailas Menon.
First Look Poster Details:
The makers have released the first look poster of the movie ‘Vashi’. Superstars Samantha, Abhishek Bachchan, Trisha, Mohanlal, Samantha,Manju Warrior, and music maestro AR Rahman unveiled the First Look poster through their social media handles. Tovino Thomas and Kirti Suresh played the lead roles in ‘Vashi’ and the duo appeared as lawyers in the first look poster. Judging by the poster, it can be assume that ‘Vaashi’ will deal with solid content. And that Tovino Thomas and Kirti Suresh performing serious roles in the film.
Teaser Info:
The much-awaited Malayalam movie Tovino Thomas and Kirti Suresh duo Vashi teaser has released. The teaser is interesting, the clash between the two lawyers to win the case, however, seems to have a twist as they appear to be lovers, becoming rivals in the court. The battle of love and victory on the court seems like a very good concept. Posting an impressive first look, the court drama makers unveiled the first single, Athonum Parayateni.
Also Read: Thank You Movie
Release Date Info:
After looking at the first look poster and teaser fans are excited to watch the movie.The movie team announces the film plan to release on Nov 2022 in theatres. But exact date has not mentioned. Once the release date revealed by the movie team. We are update it here. So follow our website regularly.
Mohanlal Tweets On Twitter About Vaashi Movie:
Unveiling the first look poster of ‘VAASHI’. Wishing the best for the team #Vaashi.
#GSureshKumar @ttovino @KeerthyOfficial #VishnuRaghav #RevathyKalaamandhir
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) February 19, 2022