Arjun Reddy, a Telugu drama movie written and directed by Sandeep Vanga which also dubbed in the Tamil language. The movie is produced by Pranay Reddy Vanga. The movie released on 25th August 2017 and stars Vijay Deverakonda and Shalini Pandey in the lead roles. The supporting casts include Sanjay Swaroop, Gopinath Bhat, Kamal Kamaraju and Kanchana. Sandeep Vanga has provided the Screenplay, while Radhan has provided the Music. Below you can find Arjun Reddy Full Movie Download and where to watch Arjun Reddy Full Online Free HD.
Arjun Reddy Story
The story is about a successful young medical surgeon, who sets out on the path of self-destruction. When the lady love is forced to marry another man.
The film gained good success on the big screens and received a good response from the audience. The movie made in the budget of 40 million and raked the revenue of 510 million on the Box Office Collection. The film actor received the best Telegu actor award. On IMDB Arjun Reddy received 8.5 ratings in IMDb ratings.
Movie Details:
Release Date | 25 August 2017 |
Movie Length | 186 minutes |
No of Songs | 7 |
Languages | Telugu, Telugu |
IMDB Rating | 8.5 |
Budget | ₹40—51.5 million |
Director | Sandeep Vanga |
Lead Actors | vijay Devarakonda |
Total Collection | ₹510 million |
Arjun Reddy Full Movie Download HD
We do not support piracy as watching or sharing a link to Download Movies is against the law. It is always better to watch movies in Theater to get the true experience of the movie.
Also, Blue-Ray DVD’s will be made available by Mid of 2019 so that you can watch Arjun Reddy Full Movie in High Definition. We will keep you updated on Arjun Reddy Full Movie once it is streaming on legal websites. Apart from this, as and when available we will post the legal links for Arjun Reddy Full Movie Download, stay tuned with us.
Arjun Reddy Movie Download Tamilrockers
There is no doubt that Arjun Reddy is one of the best movies of Vijay Deverakonda. But this movie was leaked on Tamilrockers within a few hours after the movie was released in Theater. In fact, Arjun Reddy movie was available for download in Tamilrockers, which is illegal. This has affected the overall performance of the Arjun Reddy in the box office. later it also got leaked on MovieRulz and Xfimywap.
Illegal Websites For Arjun Reddy Full Movie Download
As a matter of fact, Bhadrakali Pictures has not authorized any of the below-mentioned websites for distributing Arjun Reddy Full Movie Download. As per the law, downloading and sharing of Arjun Reddy from any of the below-mentioned websites is illegal. We strongly request you not to Download and watch Arjun Reddy from these websites. By doing so, you can help the fight against piracy. This will save thousands of family working in the Telugu Film Industry in and around Hyderabad.
From Where Can we Watch Arjun Reddy Full Movie Online?
After checking all the legal streaming websites, we have found that Arjun Reddy Full movie is only Available on Amazon Prime Video. Apart from APV, you cannot Watch Arjun Reddy Full Movie Online.
Also, you can Watch Arjun Reddy Full movie online in the following legal streaming websites in a couple of months.
Arjun Reddy MP3 Songs Download
The soundtrack of Arjun Reddy consists of seven songs, music is composed by Radhan. And the lyrics were written by Ananta Sriram, Rambabu Gosala, Shreshta Mandela and Pedaswamy. “Gundelona” is the debut of Sowjanya as a playback singer
Arjun Reddy Review
Music Review
The film’s music received a positive response from the industry and the public. One of the articles from The Times of India said the songs deserve a special mention. However, the latter’s tune which was written by Shrestha lacked instrumental support. Nadadhur also praised the music for adding jazzy and semi-classical beats to the soundtrack.
Cinematography Review
Arjun Reddy got positive reviews from the critics. ‘Indo-Asian’ news service gave the film five stars and called it the most original and experimental work which came out in Telegu cinema in the long run
Box Office
In its complete global theatrical run, the movie made a total of 510 million and earned a share of a total of 260 million within a short time. Arjun Reddy became the fourth highest grossing Telegu film of the year in India. The movies digital rights were acquired by Amazon Prime which made it available online within days of the release.
The movie has been observed to maintain a positive review in all aspects of production, cinematography, music, acting and so on. The movie earned a good amount of capital. Arjun Reddy was awarded an‘A’ certificate by the ‘Central Board of Flim Certification’ due to the abundance of expletives and innuendos.
Also, Watch:
Awesome Movie. Arjun Reddy is not your typical Telugu / South Indian movie though it carries the same love-breakup kind of plot.
Director did a great job on crafting this art into a masterpiece. And the ending was awesome
I am a biggest fan of south Indian movie…but this movie Arjun Reddy full movie is the best movie I ever seen Vijay looks were awesome
First thing I would like to say is once you watch the film you are going to be an addict of Arjun Reddy.
How I can get Arjun Reddy full movie download?
Brilliant movie. One of the best movies I have seen in my life. must watch Arjun Reddy full movie.
Brilliant acting by Vijay and Shalini ,and special thanks to Mr. Sandeep Vanga as well as his movie crews.
It is one of the wonderful movies ever seen with different concept .I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.
One of word for movie simply superbbb. Vijay sir I’m big fan of yours.
How can I watch Arjun Reddy full movie online?