‘Kaithi’ is an Indian Tamil language thriller film starring Karthi and Narain in the lead role. The direction is by Lokesh Kanagaraj and production by S. R. Prakashbabu and S. R. Prabhu. The movie also stars George Maryan in a supporting role. Music of the film is by Sam C.S. The editor is Philomin Raj. Kaithi is a complete action movie which is shot entirely in the night. read about ‘Kaithi’ Teaser Is Out.
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The teaser of the movie shows that a criminal in jail trying to save himself as there are a lot of people after his life. but as it turns out the hunted himself becomes the hunter and starts his fight against the people who are after his life. The movie Kaithi will surely be the contender for the top movie.
Kaithi Movie Teaser
The Teaser is 1.13 minutes and definitely gives goosebumps as the acting is just fantastic by Karthi who is the brother of superstar Suriya. So giving great movies runs in the family and this movie is not far behind. The presence of the actor lits up the screen.