Saand Ki Aankh is an upcoming 2019 Indian biographical film directed by Tushar Hiranandani and produced by Anurag Kashyap, Reliance Entertainment and Nidhi Parmar. The film features Bhumi Pednekar, Taapsee Pannu and Prakash Jha as main characters. It is based on the lives of sharpshooters Chandro and Prakashi Tomar. Filming began on 10 February 2019 in Baghpat. Some parts will be filmed in Hastinapur and Mawana. It is slated to release on 25 October 2019. In the below-mentioned article, you will get the details about Saand Ki Aankh Full Movie Wiki.
Saand Ki Aankh Trailer:
Firstly, the film is based on the life of two Haryana based sharpshooters who discovered their love for shooting very late in life but went on to win multiple championships. Whereas, the movie story revolves around Chandro and Prakashi – who take up shooting at the age of 60 to encourage their daughters towards a bright future as they did not want their daughters to go through a lifetime of suppression. Additionally, they won 352 medals each in the course of their professional life as shooters.
Saand Ki Aankh Full Movie Cast & Crew
- Director: Tushar Hiranandani
- Producer: Anurag Kashyap, Reliance Entertainment, Nidhi Parmar
- Lead Roles: Bhumi Pednekar, Taapsee Pannu, Prakash Jha, Vineet Kumar Singh.
- Production Company: Reliance Entertainment, Chalk and Cheese Films
- Release Date: 25 October 2019