Alia Bhatt’s upcoming film Gangubai Kathiawadi Movie is directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and produced by Jayanthilal Kada and Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The film stars Alia Bhatt, Vijay Ross, Seema Pahwa, Indira Tiwari, Ajay Devgan, and Imran Hashmi. In this film, Alia Bhatt plays the lead role. Here you can know the first look poster and teaser information of Ganguly Kathiawadi movie.
First Look poster Details
In this picture Alia Ganguly, the most powerful, beloved, and respected madam, Kamathipura, the red light area of Mumbai, the 1960s. In this First Look poster, we can see the energetic and different look of Alia Bhatt. Based on the true story of the book Mafia Queens of Mumbai by S. Hussain Zaidi.
Movie Teaser
On the occasion of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s birthday, the teaser of the Gangubai Kathiawadi Movie has been released. This teaser was well received by Bollywood movie fans. The teaser was received 37 million views on YouTube. Alia Bhatt plays an amazing performance. Based on the true story of the book Mafia Queens of Mumbai by Hussain Zaidi. Alia Bhatt plays the Ganguly character.
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So grateful to be part of a wonderful team that now celebrates its official selection to the #BerlinFilmFestival2022🌙
See you on 18th February, 2022🤍#SanjayLeelaBhansali @ajaydevgn @prerna982 @jayantilalgada @PenMovies @bhansali_produc @saregamaglobal
— Alia Bhatt (@aliaa08) December 16, 2021