Prasthanam is a 2019 Bollywood Politics Drama movie which is produced by Sanjay Dutt’s wife Maanayata Dutt under the production banner of Sanjay S Dutt Productions. Sanjay Dutt, Ali Fazal, and Jackiw Shroff have played the lead roles in the movie. The movie is directed by Deva Katta and written by Farhad Samji. In the below-mentioned article you will find the details of Prasthanam Full Movie Download Leaks by Tamilrockers.
Prasthanam Full Movie Download Tamilrockers
Tamilrockers is an illegal website who leaked Sanjay Dutt’s Latest Bollywood film Prasthanam Full Movie Download on their website and made available for free download. This has left the producers Maanayata Dutt and Sanjay S Dutt Productions of the film in a very difficult situation. Recently, Tamilrockers also leaked the movies Chhichhore, Section 375, Dream Girl.
Though we are staying away to discuss any of the leaked content as we totally support anti-piracy but it is of grave issue that it has not even been a week since the ‘Prasthanam’ release, the complete film has leaked on piracy sites and elsewhere. Also, Tamilrockers Leaked many Hollywood, Bollywood, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Punjabi movies without having the copyrights.
Do not Download Prasthanam Full Movie from Illegal Sources
As per Indian Copyright Law downloading movies from unauthorized sources is illegal. By downloading ‘Prasthanam’ from any illegal website, you are taking a risk of violating the law. Also, these websites are costing the livelihood of thousands of film industry workers. We recommend our audience not to indulge with these illegal websites for Prasthanam Full Movie Download.